First part of an 18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yisrael Lipschitz called Tiferet Yisrael, containing brief explanations of the Mishnah’s simple meaning.
Second part of an 18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yisrael Lipschitz called Tiferet Yisrael, with lengthy analysis of the Mishnah’s topics.
Derekh Chayyim
16th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Maharal of Prague with original interpretations
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman, known as the Vilna Gaon.
Pirkei Avot
18th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot, noting biblical verses that correspond to each Mishnah.
Seder Tahorot
18th-century commentary on Seder Tahorot (Purity), entitled Eliyahu Rabbah.
Haggahot Ya'avetz
18th-century notes on the Mishnah by Rabbi Yaakov Emden, a well-known German scholar.
Hon Ashir
18th-century kabbalistic commentary interspersed with poems, composed in Tzfat by Rabbi Immanuel Chai Ricchi.
Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov
18th-century abridged version of R. Yom-Tov Lippmann Heller’s Tosefot Yom Tov commentary, often printed alongside the Mishnah
Lechem Shamayim
18th-century Mishnah commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Emden.
Marit HaAyin
19th-century commentary by the Chida based largely on letter schemes and kabbalistic teachings.
Melekhet Shelomoh
16th-century commentary by Rav Shlomo Adani with a focus on establishing the correct text of the Mishnah and explaining its literal meaning.
Midrash Shmuel on Avot
16th-century anthology of commentaries on Pirkei Avot compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Di Uzeda, a student of the Arizal.
Motar Kinnim
19th-century commentary on tractate Kinnim by Rabbi Yitzchak Aizik Safrin of Komarna.
Nachalat Avot on Avot
15th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Abarbanel, structured as questions on each Mishnah followed by resolutions.
Petach Einayim
18th-century Mishnah and Talmud commentary by the Chida, Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai.
Pirkei Moshe on Avot
16th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by Salonican Rabbi Moshe Almosnino.
19th-century annotations based on classes that the author, Rabbi Shmuel Strashun, delivered in a synagogue in Lithuania.
Tosafot Rabbi Akiva Eiger
19th-century analytic work mostly discussing the commentary of Bartenura and Tosafot Yom Tov.
Tosafot Yom Tov
Classic 17th-century commentary of R. Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller meant to serve as a supplement to the commentary of Bartenura
Yein Levanon on Avot
18th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by Naphtali Herz Wessley with a focus on linguistic aspects of the Mishnah.
Yesh Seder LaMishnah
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yeshaya Berlin based on the commentaries of Bartenura and Tosafot Yom Tov, noting textual variants.
Zeroa Yamin
18th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Chida, Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai.
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